In the last months of 2020 Epaphras Prays committed to praying daily for not only the people of God in America, but also for the government of the nation.
The Apostle Paul instructed that we pray for our governmental leaders (for everyone, regardless of party1), why?
So that we may have peace, godliness and dignity.
First of all, then, I urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for everyone, for kings and all those who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. This is good, and it pleases God our Savior, who wants everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. 1 Tim 2:1-4
As Believers and Followers of Christ, we ought to pray continually for the nation and not just before elections. Here is a collection of our prayers.
List for 30 Days of Prayers: For Good and Godly Government
Join us for the PrayerCast each day as we intercede for the nation. Note: These episodes were previously published as podcasts on this site and are linked.
Let the Word Be Heard: Today we focus on praying specifically for our nation’s government, we want to focus on the most important task of hearing the Gospel.
Drawing Near and Asking: Praying from James 4:8, with focus now officials in authority as we pray for good government across our land.
A Call To Pray: The charge given to Christians to pray for all men in general, and particularly for all in authority.
Lifting Up The Faithful: Today we pray for those in our nations government who are saved and faithful in Christ.
Blessing Of The Upright: Asking that those in authority to be upright, desire and pursue integrity, honesty and loyalty
For Wisdom They Lack: They know lots of things, but we ask for wisdom from Above for our government officials to make good Godly decisions.
Learning To Lean: Pray for all our government officials that they learn to lean on Him, look to Him and ask for wisdom and guidance for their governance.
Govern By The Word: Pray they would know and value the commandments of God and teachings of Christ; may these guide them in how they live and govern.
Your Kingdom and Your Will: We pray from Matthew 6:10 as intercessors for our nation as Jesus taught—to ask the Father for His Kingdom and His will.
Love Of Truth: There is so much noise and conflicting ideas that we can have trouble hearing or knowing Truth. We pray for our nations starting in Psalm 25:5.
Glory In This: We are told not to glory in wisdom, might and riches, but in the things that the Lord delights. We lift up our prayers for our nation to do this.
Guide And Defend: For any leader there are decisions and dangers. We are asking for wise leaders who will seek guidance, and we are asking for their protection.
Trust Not Fear: Praying for officials who would not be ruled by the fear of man, but instead govern by trusting the Lord and His power and might.
Turn Their Hearts: We pray for our nations government regardless of party from Proverbs 21:1 - may He turn hearts wherever He wills.
Integrity Of The Upright: Sincerity, uprightness, truthfulness and a pure heart are certainly Godly traits we all desire, and we should expect them in government.
Humility And Meekness: Jesus said those recognized as having authority lord it over us, rather than ready for every good deed, peaceable and to malign no one.
Clean And Pure: Who do we want as leaders in government and in positions of authority? The same, not those who are false and deceitful.
It Is The Lord Who Does It: It is Job who tells us in whose hand is the life of every living thing; who it is who makes nations great – or destroys them.
Entreaty For Good: Our requests are for those in authority, and for the averting of evil in our land, and by our government.
For Good Government: We pray most especially salvation for those who do not know the Lord, and for those who would be opposed to the people of God.
For Their Needs: They have needs and we pray on their behalf before the Father and make requests for them of blessing, healing, protections, wisdom and so on.
Praying With Gratitude: We are to give thanks for those in our nations government – and for the benefit we have under their government.
Godly Government Authority: we ask, and keep on asking for Godly government and leaders in our land - that is they make right and just laws and enforce them.
Very Present Help: In this PrayerCast we pray for our nation and our government, that He may be exalted among the nations!
On The Front Lines: There are many in government who serve on the front lines. They are often called the first-responders: military, law enforcement, firefighters.
Thanksgiving In Prayer: From our nations founding, we the people have offered prayers for her and for government. Our founding fathers also offered prayers.
Trusting And Blessings: Pray that rulers and authorities would heed the warning, and willingly submit to the Lord’s Anointed, while they still are able.
Speak As They Ought: Praying that Gods Word be given to those in government to speak as they ought before authority.
Cry For Mercy: The transgressions committed against His Holy Word are many, we pray today for His mercy on our country.
May God Be Gracious: Ask the Lord to bless and keep us, make His face shine upon and be gracious to us, to lift up His countenance and give us peace.
Until next time, grace and peace from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ
God is not affiliated with a political party, a party may (or may not) be affiliated under Him. Ours is a decidedly traditionally Biblical view of politics, and therefore Christian and conservative. We pray for a government that rules in the fear and admonition of the Lord, that is under His divine authority to govern according to His design and sovereign will.