There is no authority but from God, and those in government are God’s servant for our good. The job of government: to punish and deter evildoers.
Our PrayerPodcast for government comes from Romans 13:1-7 as we ask, and keep on asking for Godly government and leaders in our land - that is they make right and just laws and enforce them.
Praying the Word of God on behalf of the People of God
Thu - Ephesians 1:17 - wisdom and of revelation, that hearts may be enlightened
Fri - Ephesians 1:18 - know what is the hope of His calling
Sat - Ephesians 1:18 - the riches of the glory of His inheritance
Sun - Ephesians 1:19 - the greatness of His power toward us who believe
Will you join us in praying these verses for the Church, and ask one person to join you?
Until Monday, grace and peace
Photo Credit - Photo by Jay Mantri on Unsplash
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