We are to pray for our government and make supplications, that is requests to the Lord. Our requests are for those in authority, and for the averting of evil in our land, and by our government.
In today’s PrayerPodcast, 1 Timothy 2:1 guides us as we pray for good.
Do You Have A Prayer Request?
Thank you for subscribing to this newsletter. I want you know we pray specifically for you by name, and if you have a need or a request we can pray, please let us know.
Just email a short sentence or two to prayer@epaphrasprays.blog
Pray For The People Of God From The Word Of God
Here are four passages we are praying from this week (one passage per day):
Thursday - Phil 1:9-11
Friday - Col 1:9-12
Saturday - Col 4:3, 4
Sunday - Col 4:12
Will you join me in praying these verses, and ask one person to join you?
Until Monday, grace and peace
Photo by Emily Lewandowski on Unsplash
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