Epaphras Prays
Epaphras Prays Podcast
Our Purpose in Prayer

Our Purpose in Prayer

When the Church is truly awakened to its obligations and exercises the right faith in claiming Christ's promises through prayer, a revolution will take place.

silhouette of man standing on high ground under red and blue skies
Photo credit: Benjamin Davies on Unsplash

This edition comes in audio form as we read from Chapter 3 of "Purpose in Prayer" by E.M. Bounds

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Here are 10 key points:

  1. Importance of Prayer: Bounds emphasizes that prayer is an essential duty in Christianity, yet it is often neglected. Many perceive it as a tiresome formality, leading to languid and distracted prayers that do not bring blessings.

  2. Christ's Continuous Prayer: Jesus is portrayed as continually praying through His people. Believers are called to prepare themselves to pray like Christ and to be in a constant attitude of prayer.

  3. Access through Prayer: Man's access to God through prayer opens the way to all things, making his impoverishment his wealth. All things, including wealth and glory, belong to Christ, and prayer is the means through which believers can claim these blessings.

  4. The Oath-Bound Covenant: The Father's invitation to "Ask of Me" is seen as the assurance of an answer and victory. The Father holds authority and power, making the conditions of prayer easy, but humanity often fails to fulfill them.

  5. Prayer in the Church: The life of the Church is defined by its prayer life. The Book of Revelation emphasizes the aggregated force of all saints' prayers, which continue as a powerful, living energy even after their death.

  6. Role of Prayer in Success: John Foster asserts that more and better praying is the key to the triumph of God's cause. Feeble and formal prayers lead to decay, while a vibrant prayer life in the closet anchors the Church and ensures success.

  7. Dependency on God through Prayer: Edward Payson emphasizes the importance of recognizing dependence on God, and how every man, aware of this dependence, would be impelled to pray constantly for success in his endeavors.

  8. Neglect of Prayer: Despite the vital importance of prayer, people often let hours pass without engaging in this holy exercise. The progress of the Lord's Kingdom is directly tied to prayer, and neglecting it harms both individual spirituality and the advancement of God's cause on earth.

  9. Revolution through Prayer: Foster predicts that when the Church is truly awakened to its obligations and exercises the right faith in claiming Christ's promises through prayer, a revolution will take place.

  10. Power of Prayer: James' statement in the New Testament reinforces the power of prayer, stating that results are lacking because people fail to ask or ask with wrong motives. The potency of prayer is presented as a solution to the leanness of results in believers' lives.

A priority of praying must come upon the children of God, of making petition not merely for our earthly comforts, but for his kingdom come, the good news spread, the salvation of lost souls, the light outshine the darkness, and that God be glorified.

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Until Monday, grace and peace…

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Epaphras Prays
Epaphras Prays Podcast
Short teachings on prayer and intercession and a few minutes of praying for the people of God from the Word of God