For many of us, the most important person we will pray for is our spouse. Like none other, our prayers can provide a measure of grace for a husband or a wife. This ought to be considered a duty and a privilege, and is not to be neglected.
It is likely that a husband will never love his wife more than when he prays for her. For wives, praying God’s will for a husband is perhaps the most rewarding work as his wife. If you are single, pray for your husband/wife-to-be. You can pray for your sons/daughters, or friends as well.
Our prayers have for years been based on Prayer Portions lists and we have adapted them here. More information and the links can be found below:
Prayers of a Husband1
Your Holy Spirit abides in my wife (Eze 36:26- 27). By Your Spirit, grow in her life Your abundant fruit, (Gal 5:22-23),” as she dedicates herself to being filled daily with Your Spirit.
Lord, I pray that my wife will choose to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness (Eph 4:23-24). I pray that she will be transformed by renewing her mind, so that she will discern and accept Your good, pleasing, and perfect will (Rom 12:2).
Keep her eyes fixed on You, Lord (Heb 12:2). Open her eyes that she may see spiritual truth (Ps 119:18, 2 Kings 6:17).
Let her words and her thoughts please You (Ps 19:14). Let her encourage the weary or misguided ones with Your words (Isa 50:4).
Enable her to love You with all her heart and soul and strength and mind (Luke 10:27). Draw her close to Your heart, so that her heart will be filled with You alone (James 4:8).
Make her arms strong for the tasks You give her (Pro 31:17). Cause her to look to Your grace for her strength every morning (Isa 33:2). Let her continue to bless You as long as she lives, lifting up her hands to You in prayer (Ps 63:4).
Give her wisdom and grace in all dealings. Develop in her the inward beauty of a quiet and gentle spirit. May she enjoy the respect of others because of the fear of the Lord upon her life (Pro 31:10-31, 1 Peter 3:4).
Prayers of a Wife2
The head of every man is Christ. O Lord, may You be the head of my husband. Thank You, God, for being head over all and for your perfect plan for our home.
Lord, cause my husband to know Christ with real certainty and clear understanding. Your plan for him is Christ Himself, and in Him are all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge (Col 2:2-3). May he be spiritually minded which is life and peace (Rom 8:6).
Open his eyes, Lord, that he may see from Your perspective (2 Kings 6:17). May he keep his eyes alert for spiritual danger, stand true to you, and be strong (1 Cor 16:13).
I pray that my husband will hear Your words with His heart, not just his mind (Ps 78:1) so that You can instruct him (Deu 4:36). Open his ears and give him wisdom (Job 33:14-1 7). When You speak to him, I pray that he will listen and not resist or turn away (Isa 50:5).
Set a watch, O Lord, over his mouth (Ps 141:3). Help him to make the most of his opportunities to tell others about victory in Jesus and to be wise in all his contacts. Let his conversation be gracious and wise (Col 4:3-6).
Enable my husband to obey Your command to love You with all his heart and soul and might (Deu 6:5). Let his heart be filled with You alone to make him pure and true (James 4:8).
Help my husband walk by faith and not by sight (2 Cor 5:7). May he use every piece of Your armor to resist the enemy, so that he will stand firm (Eph 6:13). Help him lay aside every weight and the sins that trip him up, so he can run with patience the race that You have set before him (Heb 12:1).
A Prayer For Our Marriage
I pray that You will enable us to honor You by submitting to each other (Eph 5:2 1). Help us to live in complete harmony with the attitude of Christ (Rom 15:5). May we live happily in Your love through all our days (Ecc 9:9).
h/t: Please see The Fathers Business online Or Click here to learn more about Prayer Portions and order.
Adapted from Prayer Portions, pg 278-281.© Sylvia Gunter, 1991, 1995 See More Here
Adapted from Prayer Portions, pg 282-286.© Sylvia Gunter, 1991, 1995 See More Here