Epaphras Prays is a newsletter about personal and intercessory praying. We encourage the People of God to pray from the Word of God for other People of God. Sign up here:
Some years ago, I sat in a planning meeting for an upcoming church event. The team was eager to brainstorm ideas—venue logistics, promotional strategies, and volunteer schedules dominated the discussion. Everyone brought great energy and enthusiasm to the table.
Yet, as the meeting went on, I noticed something missing: prayer.
We spent an hour mapping out all the practical details but didn’t pause to pray over any of it. Not once did we ask for God’s guidance, wisdom, or blessing on the plans we were making. It felt strange, like trying to build a house without laying a foundation. We had good intentions and plenty of ideas, but we were relying solely on our own strength.
By the time the meeting ended, I couldn’t shake the thought: We spent all this time planning for God’s work, but we didn’t actually involve Him in it.
That experience taught me how easy it is to focus on the “doing” while forgetting to seek the Lord first. Without prayer, even our best efforts can feel rushed, misguided, or disconnected from His purposes. But when we make prayer the foundation of our work, everything changes.
It aligns our plans with His will and reminds us that the success of any ministry doesn’t depend on us—it depends on Him.
Prayer as the Foundation
Mission and ministry require strategy, effort, or resources—but more than that, they demand a deep and abiding connection to the One who empowers every aspect of our work: God. Prayer is that connection. It is the foundation that enables our efforts to align with God’s will and are sustained by His strength, not our own.
Without prayer, even the most well-intentioned plans risk being built on shaky foundations.
Why Start With Prayer?
In any mission, whether it’s sharing the Gospel, serving others, or leading within your community, prayer should always be the first step. As our article But First, We Pray reminds us, seeking God’s guidance before taking action is a declaration of dependence. It’s an act of humility that acknowledges we cannot accomplish the work of ministry in our own strength.
Prayer sets the stage for success—not necessarily success by the world’s standards, but success in fulfilling God’s purposes. It prepares our hearts, sharpens our focus, and invites the Holy Spirit in to the work, through us. Just as Jesus often withdrew to pray before major moments in His ministry (Luke 5:16), we too must prioritize prayer as the starting point for all we do.
Aligning With God’s Will
One of the most powerful aspects of prayer is how it aligns our hearts and minds with God’s will. In A Roadmap for Praying, we talked about importance of intentional prayer. Through praying, we can step back from our own desires and agendas and allow God to redirect our focus toward His plans.
When we approach ministry without prayer, we risk relying on our own understanding, which can lead to frustration, burnout, or misguided efforts.
Proverbs 3:5-6 reminds us to “trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.” Prayer is the practice of submitting our ways to Him so that He can direct our paths.
A Partnership With God
Prayer is not just about asking God to bless our efforts; it is about partnering with Him in His work.
It’s a reminder that we are co-laborers with Christ (1 Corinthians 3:9). This partnership requires ongoing communication—listening for God’s guidance, asking for His wisdom, and seeking His strength.
When we enter ministry and mission work with a posture of prayer, we recognize that the results are not up to us. Our role is obedience; God is responsible for the outcome. As Spreading the Good News points out, sharing the Gospel is not just a task to be checked off—it’s a sacred act that requires the Spirit’s preparation and power.
What About You?
Do you approach ministry tasks with prayer first, or as an afterthought?
How has prayer shaped your mission or ministry in the past?
Are there areas where you need to surrender control and trust God more fully through prayer?
Take a moment today to pause and pray before your next task, decision, or ministry effort. Invite God to guide your steps, align your heart with His will, and prepare the way ahead. Let prayer be the foundation, not just a support, for all that you do.