14 hrs agoLiked by Intercessor Todd

Thank you brother Todd - yes all very edifying particular for those just starting out as intercessors. Praying Abba Father will open the eyes & ears of many in these last days to intercede more as "the fervent effectual prayer of a righteous one avails much". - James 5:16 Amein!

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Amen, thank you. Praying more people praying more.

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I agree with this perception of prayer.

I've also seen another sort of prayer, not for others but for myself, when a situation arises that's complex and difficult and I don't quite know how to deal with it. I explain the matter to God, maybe expressing my fear or frustration, maybe asking for solutions. But even if no solution arises, I find myself with the wisdom I need. In a case, maybe, where my character needed some correction it got it. I find myself changing often, but the situation very rarely.

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