The Laborer And His Tools
God primarily uses people who are mighty in prayer to build His church

They say there are four types of churches. In one, the people say “we are building our church,” in another, they say “God is building our church,” and the third says “we are building God’s church.” Only the one says “God is building His church.”
Jesus said “I will build my church.” He is the builder, architect, carpenter, master craftsman, and capstone. Jesus is building His church, and He uses people to do it.
Like every good builder, who have workers and equipment, His people are the laborers who do the work, and prayer is a primary tool we use to do it. He is the designer, He has a master plan, He gives out assignments, and we labor in the ministry, the harvest field, the prayer room.
Would a master bricklayer allow his trowel to get rusty, a carpenter his saw to get dull, a plumber lose his wrench?
Neither should we allow our prayers to lose their sharpness, nor let our primary building tool get rusty from lack of use. And do not fret over not having the newest or latest gadget or power gizmo for building.
"Men are God’s method. The church is looking for better methods; God is looking for better men. What the church needs today is not more machinery or better, not new organizations or more and novel methods, but men who the Holy Spirit can use – men of prayer, men mighty in prayer. The Holy Spirit does not come on machinery but on men. He does not anoint plans, but men – men of prayer." E. M. Bounds
The laborers, the builders God uses ought primarily be people who pray. Indeed, the early church was birthed from a prayer meeting—120 in the upper room; the early disciples continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers. The apostles gave themselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word.
Did not Paul live on his knees before the Father in order that believers in Ephesus might know the length, width, height, and depth of the love of God, and be filled to the measure with all His fullness?
Didn’t also Epaphras strive constantly in prayers for those in his assembly of believers in Colosse to stand firmly in the holy Word of God and be mature?
All the plans we have, the ideas, the programs, the marketing, the ear-tickling message, the new carpet, or big name conference speaker will keep a lot of folks busy—and proud, but will not hold a candle to the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous, which does avail much.
So do not be discouraged by others who think little of your devotion to praying. May it instead fuel your zeal, encourage your commitment, and strengthen you in the labor of it. God sees, and God rewards. He is using your praying to build His church, even if nobody else knows.
Go to your pastor and elders and tell them you want to have a regular prayer meeting. Don’t wait for them to start one, do that yourself. They probably don’t want to have yet another program they have to lead, so you be the leader. Ask them to attend, but you schedule it, invite people, have helps or lists to hand out, open the prayer time, close the doors, etc.
Be the laborer in God’s hands and the tool of prayer He uses to build His church right where you live, work, fellowship, and be one mighty in prayer.
Until Monday, grace and peace