Remembering Others in our Prayers
What a blessing to pray for one another, to pray for you, and for the people of faith
During our private prayer times, it is easy perhaps to focus primarily on ourselves. But we often are asked to pray on behalf someone else. Indeed, we are instructed in Ephesians 6:18 to petition for all the saints, and it was modeled to us by Jesus.
In this way we bear one another’s burdens (Galatians 6:2). It is an act of love to pray for someone and bring their cares to Jesus; to go before the throne of grace and ask for grace, or mercy, or healing, or help - to be given to someone else. This is intercession, to go between (a persons circumstance and the Lord) and ask.
What a privilege it is - and what a responsibility, to pray for one another!
You likely have a friend or neighbor, coworker or a family member who is going through a tough time. Maybe they are sick or unemployed or having trouble in a relationship, or if they are unsaved ask for saving faith be given them.
Zero in on that one person and pray specifically for them. That they would know the Lord – ask Him for their salvation; that they would grow in the Lord; that they would have health, blessing, grace, peace, mercy, love, etc. Pray for one with whom you are at odds with! (Matthew 5:44)
No man can do me a truer kindness in this world than to pray for me. ~ Charles H. Spurgeon
In our prayer FOCUS, pray for Others.
How can we pray for you?
We certainly appreciate your joining us as we learn to pray and pray for one another. Epaphras Prays intercedes regularly for our newsletter subscribers…but if there is a specific request you have - a burden you are carrying, a trial you are facing, please write to us:
In a few words or sentences let us know your request, and we will help you bear this burden by intercession, in strict confidence. Or if you have an answer to prayer, please let us know and we will pray with thanksgiving and praise, Amen!
Praying the Word of God on behalf of the People of God
Monday- 2 Chronicles 14:11, 12 - for help, trust
Tuesday - Jeremiah 14:19-22 - for mercy
Wednesday - Habakkuk 3:2, 18, 19 - for goodness and salvation
Will you join us in praying these verses, and ask one person to join you?
Until Thursday, grace and peace