God’s Prayer Manual: How We Use Our Bibles For Guidance
Insights from E. M. Bounds on praying in God's House of Prayer
for my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations. Isaiah 56:7
God’s church is called “a house of prayer”, which ought to show us the significance of praying as a church. And as [Jesus] taught them, he said, “Is it not written: ‘My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations’? (Mark 11:17) So then the Word of God—the Bible, could rightly be called the Book of Prayers.
This is the great theme and message content to the people of God.
The Scriptures are the basis and the directory of our prayers of faith.
As such, it should dwell in us richly, and as it does, it issues from us in our praying. As Jesus says: “If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, you will ask what you will, and it will be done for you.” (John 15:7) His Words ought to dwell in our hearts.
This comes from reading and studying and memorizing.
Then, when we pray, we pray from the Word stored in us.
The Word of God, writes E. M. Bounds, is the fulcrum upon which the lever of prayer is placed and by which things are mightily moved. His Word is the basis, foundation, the inspiration, and guide for all our asking. From it we ask for His promises - from the Promiser, that is God Himself.
So we ask in faith from the Word of God, in submission to the God of the Word.
What a big help are the Scriptures in our praying!
If it be lodged in our hearts, it will form an out-flowing current of prayer, full and irresistible. Promises, stored in the heart, are to be the fuel from which prayer receives life and warmth…It is the food by which prayer is nourished and made strong.
Bounds would tell us that those who want to pray well need to (a) study God’s Word and (b) store it in our memory and thought.
For us to pray God’s will in prayer, we must be filled with God’s Word.
This ought to remind you of Epaphras, how he prayed that the Colossians might stand “perfect and complete in all the will of God.” According to Bounds: This is proof positive that, not only may we know the will of God, but that we may know all the will of God.
And not only that, but we may do all the will of God, not sometimes or by impulse, but with a settled habit of conduct.
Still further it shows us that we may do it not only externally, but from the heart, doing it cheerfully and without reluctance, nor drawing or holding back from the intimate presence of the Lord.
We may
Know all God’s will
Do all God’s will
Live it cheerfully
When we pray, let us use the Scriptures as our Guide
We like to use Paul’s letter to the Ephesians as a "prayer manual."
Ephesians is significant as a "prayer manual" because it's a letter written by Paul the apostle to the church in Ephesus, where he mentions several times that he is praying for them.
These prayers reveal what the Lord wants for His church, providing a guide for praying His will for us.
The prayers in Ephesians are God-focused, dealing with internal disposition rather than external condition, and they ask for the things God wants instead of self-focused requests.
Check out the book below for more on praying Ephesians
To Sum Up
The Bible, or the Word of God, should significantly influence our prayers by being the basis, foundation, inspiration, and guide for all our asking. It helps us pray in faith and submit to God, as we ask for His promises from the Promiser Himself. When the Word of God dwells in our hearts, it forms an out-flowing current of prayer, full and irresistible, with promises stored in the heart acting as fuel for prayer. In order to pray God's will in prayer, one must be filled with God's Word.
Until next time, grace and peace from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ…
For Additional Reading
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash
A dear friend collaborated on a book we published about the experiences of a POW in the Philippines in WWII. Part of our effort including daily walks around her pumpkin farm in the 'Little Finger' of the Great Lakes State of Michigan, Leelanau County. Deep in the faith of our wish to follow Him, the Christ, we often strayed from the book to talk about Him. We ended up calling Him our Jewish Boss because He was born a Jew, was raised as a Jew, lived as a Jew, died as a Jew and came back from the dead as a Jew. A former CEO who participated in turning around four companies from financial trouble to record success three of the companies were owned by Jewish folk, members of my spiritual ancestry. What struck me the most is how they were not only Jews, but they lived their faith. They were kind, compassionate and a thrill to work with. And they taught me that yes, life can be a prayer. So my days go as thus, living in prayer. Every day I read from 'the Biblous', or Greek for Bible my particular segment of Christianity prescribes. It is the only way to start a day filled with prayer. Thank you so much for this effort. Well written!!
Thank you so much for sharing your story! These life lessons are very encouraging for praying people.