Getting Into The Prayer Habit
So when do you pray? Do you have a specific time set, or is it sometime?
When you pray…said Jesus, designating that we should - we must.
So when do you pray? Do you have a specific time set, or is it sometime?
If that sometime is haphazard and mostly when it’s convenient—or just when there is a crisis in our day and we are desperate, or when there is a need—then likely our prayer time is also haphazard.
Our daily schedules are full, and calendars are filled. We know when we work, sleep, exercise, go to lunch, meet a friend and so on. Every single hour is scheduled and accounted for.
But it’s likely we do not have a set time for when we pray.
If we know when we do these other things, we should also know when we pray!
Seasoned pray-ers and intercessors will say we ought pray always, and we should. But this advise for newer pray-ers, those who are just getting ankle-deep in the waters of divine communication.
It’s one thing to tell the people of God to so something, and another to show them the way.
When do you pray?
You can pray anywhere and anytime since our access to heavenly Father is constant. But the “go into your closet” prayer should be specific in time and even location.
Perhaps it’s best first thing in the morning, or perhaps at noon, or in the evening - maybe all three. But set a time or that time will be filled with some distraction or other and the day will be gone before you have sought your Father in Heaven.
Mark it in your calendar, set a time on your watch, whatever - and stick to it. Jesus asked can you not watch one hour? I would ask, do you have 5 minutes, at least? You do, if you stop doing something else for 5 minutes.
Do this for 7 days, then 10, now 21. Pretty soon it starts to become a daily habit and later you will pray because you want to, you need to, you enjoy to be constant in prayer.
Setting a time and a location gives you focus.
It’s a bit like when you signed up for the gym membership and got a personal trainer. You show up because you’re expected, you made a commitment and are intent on keeping it. You keep it because it’s in your best interest to learn to workout properly.
Start this New Year praying.
What about you? What’s your favorite place for private, personal praying? Do you have a set time or times?
Thank You for reading Epaphras Prays. When you subscribe, you join a small prayer group. You are daily in our prayers. And it helps more people learn to pray more.
And if this has helped you, do you know one or two others it would help?
Until next time, grace and peace from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ…
Prayer is ultra important, as in any relationship, we need communication 🙏 we talk to Him, and He, in various ways, responds ! Hallelujah ✝️ and, it's glorious !