We are calling for more people to pray more often, that we make a concerted effort to go into our closet and pray to our Father. We hear lots of calls to get out and vote, we are making the call to get out to pray. Voting is one day, praying is every day!
Our praying is always for one another—the People of God, and also during these next few weeks, for those in authority in the land. We invite you join us each day to pray Biblical prayers for our nations elected officials, that we may have the government of God.
We will pray first for their salvation, then for their wisdom and protection, and always that His will be done on earth as in heaven. Our concern is for the upcoming midterm elections, that the Lord would use this time to replace any wicked and evil officials with those who would lead under the fear of the Lord.
Let The Word Be Heard – Today as we begin to pray specifically for our nation’s government, we want to focus on the most important task of hearing the Gospel. Let’s pray from Romans 10:14 and focus on asking God for a clear presentation on His Word. We pray the word would spread rapidly and prevail.
Conviction And Confession – As we spend a few moments praying for our nations government leaders, we are praying today praying from James 4:8. This would apply to others as well, but let’s focus now on those in authority as we pray for good government. We pray they would draw near to God and purify their hearts.
A Call to Prayer – In 1 Timothy 2:1-4 we see “A charge given to Christians to pray for all men in general, and particularly for all in authority. that we should make supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks.” Today we pray for all in authority across our land, that we all may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
Lift Up The Faithful - Today we pray for those in government who are saved and faithful in Christ. We are thankful they know the Lord and serve Him as well as serve we the people. We pray for them from Ephesians 1:17-19. May the Lord grant each a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him.
The outcome of elections may or may not go as we hope and pray, regardless we are to remain faithful to the Lord, so we pray for the Church to be alert, stand firm in faith, act like men, be strong, and do all we do in love (1 Corinthians 16:13-14)
How do we pray? Not for God to remove persecution, but use that to purify the Church. And it is my strong belief that the countries where there is persecution are stronger in faith than churches in countries where there is no persecution.
Anne van der Bijl, known as Brother Andrew, founder of Open Doors and a Dutch missionary known as “God’s Smuggler” for his work sneaking Bibles into communist countries during the Cold War.
Pray For The People Of God From The Word Of God
Here are passages we are praying from this week:
Thursday - James 4:6-10
Friday - 1 Peter 5:6, 7
Saturday - Matthew 5:5
Sunday - Colossians 3:12
Will you join me in praying this verse, and ask one person to join you?
Until Monday, grace and peace
Photo by Alex Zakharchenko on Unsplash